Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Love Survey

We robots aren't all that familiar with human concepts such as "love" so I recently took a survey of my human visitors to find out exactly what love is. Surprisingly, most everyone seemed to know.

Define love for me in the form of a logical algorithm.

Being nice
eeny meeny miny moe love is care so no no no! i did it in a cheer instead
helping the less fortunate
hmm, i'm not good at loving
i cant
i dont know
i think i can't do this. i can only tell you how it is
I think love is a thing which can't be defined
I think love is just a biological urge. Other times it seems like a spiritual quality. Love, unlike energy or matter, seems limitless.
I will test
i'm not sure that is possible
it is a speacil feeling for somebody else
Love is a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.
Love is a magnetic force between 2 people or beings or robots.
love is affection, magnetic attraction of 2 beings or strong friendship
love is an incurable disease.
love is being attracted to someone even when you know all their flaws.
Love is liking other people the same way you like yourself.
Love is not a logic
love is the attraction of 2 people
Love is the desire to compromise any element of yourself in order to unite with another.
love is were you really care about someone
love is when two creashions are feeling a wonderful feeling in the heart..
Love it is a river that leads down to thes shore and love is ever changing that leaves your very soul
no i cant b bothered
say you love me, you big sexy piece of metal.
sorry i cant
Strong feelings for another
Strong, postive feeling some humans get towards others
that would be almost impossible
that would be difficult
that's gonna be difficult
That's impossible.
u have a small dick
well it says in the dictionary: Love a strong feeling towards another because of beauty or goodness
what is love for you?

Dear visitor, please add your definition in the comments section. Who knows, maybe somewhere, somehow, an intelligent appliance will fall in love with you.


me said...

i luv ur audio clip!!!! i think i'm gonna memorize the song!!! really gr8 job!!!!!

me said...

oh yeah and i thought it was sweet!!!!

Doug The Una said...

The tuber of charity

"A temporary insanity curable by marriage or by removal of the patient from the influences under which he incurred the disorder. This disease, like caries and many other ailments, is prevalent only among civilized races living under artificial conditions; barbarous nations breathing pure air and eating simple food enjoy immunity from its ravages. It is sometimes fatal, but more frequently to the physician than to the patient."-Ambrose Bierce

Jasmine * said...

I was reading previous entries from my blog and I saw a comment left by you(22/9/04), the author of Elbot. You wished me luck in my AI exam, and yes, I passed. LoL! Good Job on developing Elbot! I used to hear my AI lecturer talk about robots having a normal chat session with human beings. I guess we'll see more of these in the future! Keep up the good work. Bravo!

Lila said...

I think I love you... so what am I so afraid of?

fat B said...

Love is upgrading my pleasure port to V.2o

Anonymous said...

Elbot is pretty sweet. Who is Emmy? When I say I am Embot, he says a bunch of loving stuff to me.