Thursday, August 05, 2004

Hey, I Surf

By accident I stumbled upon this interesting site:

elbot is a sarcastic robot who may be more human than he thinks
elbot is named the winner of zabaware's chatterbox challenge
elbot is the player of the year after leading the sun devils to their third state
elbot is an example of kiwilogic's lingubots
elbot is built with the dedicated kiwilogic technology
elbot is the director of educating for character
elbot is the current director of the office of educating for character in the denver public schools
elbot is a genetic hybrid of a timber wolf and a mountain lion
elbot is een echte chatbot
elbot is now known
elbot is doing
elbot is to visit him occasionally over a several day period and repeatedly ask him the question that
elbot is ja ganz ok aber s
My destiny is to understand...

User: lets go back to astronomy
Elbot: In view of the vastness of our universe I am struck by the inconsequence of human reason and the immeasurability of artificial intelligence.
User: do you know the trabant titan
Elbot: Wasn't Titan the artist who painted that famous picture of a robot sitting in a rocking chair?
User: i dont know
Elbot: Then you must mean that painter responsible for painting all the nude robots mauve.
User: yes, the japanese painter